Over the past three years, the USDA has issued a number of direct payments to dairy farmers to offset some of the impact of both trade wars and the pandemic
Despite widespread drought in the far west, corn and soybeans appear headed for a good crop year. That’s according to USDA’s most recent Crop Progress report on July 26
Karl Burgi, a hoof care consultant and founder of the Save Cows Network, discussed trimming fresh cows during the July Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, titled “Three keys to exceptional hoof health.”
You’d be hard-pressed to find a dairy farmer who doesn’t want to breed healthier, more efficient cows. Though there are costs associated with a more detailed genetic program that can help
Since the Net Merit (NM$) selection index was first introduced in 1994, it has undergone a number of revisions as we learn more about cows and how dairy farmers manage their herd
The evolution of dairy genetics has included many turns along the way. One of the more notable pivots involves the introduction of Net Merit (NM$) in 1994
U.S. dairy’s value as a global solution has never been more apparent than it has been this year, with exports reaching records and domestic consumption also at historically high levels
It’s not often that you’ll hear a dairy farmer say, “I have too much good help.” Finding dedicated employees to accomplish everything that must get done on the farm can be time-consuming
During the last couple of weeks, growing conditions have been getting drier than preferred for forages. Looking to the U.S. drought monitor, a great proportion of the western part of the country is extreme...
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” We all know the question. The question can be greeted with inaudible rumblings, flustered body language, or a decisive answer
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College typically holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its graduating dairy students, but the past few years have not been typical
Global efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon and slow rising temperatures through government, customer, and consumer intervention are putting the squeeze on carbon emissions from all sectors – including...